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How to Make Sfinci - Traditional Recipe

How to Make Sfinci - Traditional Recipe
San Martino sfinci are a typical and delicious dessert, perfect to celebrate this occasion. Here is a traditional recipe to prepare them at home:

500 g durum wheat semolina flour;
500 ml water;
10 g fresh brewer's yeast;
1 teaspoon sugar;
Pinch of salt;
Raisins to taste;
Fennel seeds to taste;
Granulated sugar to taste;
Oil for frying;

How to Make Sfinci - Instructions

Activate the yeast: In a bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm water with sugar. Let it rest for about 10 minutes until it foams.

Knead the dough
In a large bowl, pour the durum wheat semolina, the dissolved yeast, the salt, and start kneading with your hands. Gradually add the raisins and fennel seeds. Continue kneading until you obtain a smooth and elastic dough.

Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and let it rise in a warm place for about 2 hours, or until the dough has doubled in volume.

Shape the sfinci
Once it has risen, divide the dough into pieces of about 50 grams each. Shape them into balls and let them rest for another 15 minutes.

Heat plenty of oil in a deep pan. Fry the sfinci a few at a time until golden brown on both sides. Drain them on paper towels to remove excess oil.

Dust and serve
Dust the still-hot sfinci with plenty of granulated sugar and serve immediately.


For a more intense flavor, you can add some grated orange zest to the dough.

If you don't have fresh brewer's yeast, you can use dry yeast, following the instructions on the package.

For a more indulgent version, you can fill the sfinci with pastry cream or dark chocolate.

Quantities: This recipe is a guideline and can be adjusted according to your preferences and the number of people you want to serve.

Times: Rising times may vary depending on the ambient temperature.

Variations: There are many variations of Saint Martin's sfinci, each with its own regional characteristics. Feel free to experiment and create your own favorite version! - Enjoy!

Data:22-08-2024 12:46
In Recipes
Sfinci Sicilian Sfinci San Martino Sfinci Castelvetrano Oil Belice Oil Sicilian Oil Asta Oil
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