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Asta Oil - Right of Withdrawal

This is an extract containing the relevant information on the Right of Withdrawal of the Olioasta General Terms and Conditions of Sale, available at the following link: click to view


The User has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract concluded with olioasta without any penalty and without having to provide any reasons, within 14 working days pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 52 paragraph 1 of the Consumer Code, which run from the day of receipt of the product purchased on oil auction . The withdrawal may be exercised by the Customer, pursuant to art. 54 paragraph 1 of the Consumer Code, using the form available at the end of this page duly completed in all its parts, to be sent or by letter a / r, to Asta Melchiorre, Via Paolo VI, 5, 91015 Castelvetrano (TP) or by email to The letter to / or the email must contain the indication of the product and the order number. The burden of proof relating to the correct exercise of the right of withdrawal, in accordance with the procedure indicated above, is borne by the User.

Following the correct exercise of the withdrawal, unless Olioasta® does not collect the goods directly, the User will have the obligation to return the goods without undue delay and in any case within 14 days from the date on which the User communicated to olioasta your decision to withdraw from the contract pursuant to art. 54, c. 4. The User must visibly apply, on the packaging, the document received by olioasta following the aforementioned notice of withdrawal, in which the shipping address and the details relating to the order necessary to identify the returned to destination. The User is advised to insert a copy of this document also inside the packaging, in order to avoid loss or the impossibility of identifying the return once it has arrived in the warehouse. The relative shipping costs of the goods will be charged to the User, except in the case in which olioasta® has not informed him about it at the time of the conclusion of the contract, in accordance with art. 57 paragraph 1 of the Consumer Code.

The goods must in any case be kept, handled and inspected with normal diligence and returned intact, complete in all their parts, accompanied by all accessories and leaflets, identification tags and original labels, where present, still attached to the goods and intact. and not tampered with, as well as perfectly suitable for their intended use and free from signs of wear or dirt.

As required by art. 57 paragraph 2 of the Consumer Code, the User is responsible for any decrease in value resulting from the manipulation of the goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods. In this case, olioasta , upon written notice to be sent to the User within 5 working days of receipt of the goods, may reduce the amount of the refund due to this decrease in value, providing the same, in the event that the refund has already been paid, the bank details for the payment of the amount owed by the User due to the decrease in value of the asset.

Olioasta may refuse to accept a withdrawal for food products that have been consumed even partially. Pursuant to art. 59 of the aforementioned Consumer Code, goods made to measure or customized or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or are subject to rapid alteration or deterioration are excluded from the possibility of withdrawal.

Exceptions from the right of withdrawal

Pursuant to art. 59 of the Consumer Code, goods made to measure or personalized or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or are subject to rapid alteration or deterioration are excluded from the possibility of withdrawal.


Any disbursement of the sums by way of reimbursement by Olioasta , if due, will take place pursuant to Article 56 paragraph 1 of the Consumer Code as soon as possible, and in any case no later than 14 days from the date on which aware of the relative exercise by the User. Olioasta will reimburse using the same payment method used by the User for the initial transaction, unless otherwise expressly agreed with the User and provided that the same does not incur any costs as a consequence of using the different payment method. If the User has sexpressly choosing a different type of delivery that includes delivery costs higher than those connected to the standard delivery offered by olioasta ("Additional Costs"), the latter will not be required to reimburse the related Additional Costs. It is understood that, with the exception of cases in which Olioasta has decided to collect the goods directly, Olioasta may withhold the refund until it has received the goods or until the User has demonstrated that he has returned the goods, depending on which situation occurs first.

To exercise the right of return or refund, send email to

In Company
Right Of Withdrawal Asta Oil
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